Welcome to COAST project Uganda

End-to-end AI and data systems for targeted surveillance and management of COVID-19 and future pandemics affecting Uganda

Map of Uganda with theme illustrations
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Synergistic end-to-end AI and data systems

Strengthen data systems resulting in usable and equitable datasets for AI-driven COVID-19 responses and future pandemics in Uganda
Develop and deploy AI-driven detection and diagnosis tools for improved patient care and management
Model and evaluate COVID-19 interventions for targeted government responses based on the fused datasets from objectives 1 and 2
The fluidity of the COVID-19 outbreak requires innovative data systems that fuse data from multiple sources that need to be frequently updated. In sub-Saharan Africa, data imbalances and underrepresentation can easily arise due to unequal access to government and private services where data is collected due to socio-demographic conditions. If these are not addressed, they can result in AI and data science solutions that do not benefit communities that are most vulnerable for COVID-19 and future pandemics. COAST will address these challenges through three specific objectives:
People working on a computer.
Photo of a doctor at work in laboratory
Man using computers.

A combination of AI, data science, epidemiological, statistical and software engineering approaches to provide data-driven interventions for pandemics

Workstream 1
Mining text & audio data for community perceptions

• Radio broadcast data analysis.
• Audio and textual data from healthcare workers seeking advice from a helpline.
Workstream 2
Detection & diagnosis tools for improved patient care & management

• Decision support system for the call for life (CFL)
• Uganda COVID-19 AI chatbot
• ML-guided screening
Workstream 3
Modelling & forecasting transmissions for policy

• Modelling and forecasting COVID-19 transmission and evaluation of COVID-19 responses
Workstream 4
Air quality- COVID-19 risk analysis

• Community risk analysis based on environmental data

Partners and Collaborators

This research project is funded by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as part of the Global South AI4COVID Program.
International Development Research Centre Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency African Centers of Excellence In Bioinformatics Global South Program Makerere University Infectious Disease Institute Airqo Makerere AI Lab Crane Cloud